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Infancy and early childhood are a precious, unique time in a childs' development, which directly affect the remainder of the childs life. More than any other stage, the first three years are characterized by steady development of skills, exploration, attitudes and traits, a sense of trust and belonging,and constant learning about ones' environment. Infants and toddlers learn best by direct contact with,and opportunities to discover,their surroundings through touch, sight, sound, taste,and manipulation.

At the Chabad of Slovakia "Mommy and Me", we provide our little people with lots of loving care and "hands-on" learning opportunuitites. Here is a place where they can feel happy and secure, satisfy their curiosity about the world they live in, and internalize the weekly themes and programs through song, movement, coordination-development activities, art,(we don't mind messes!) and a variety of stimulating, educational, age-appropriate toys and props. 

We also provide mothers with a welcome break in their childcare rountine, a chance to bond with their child outside the home, and to meet and spend time with other mothers with similar backgrounds and interests, and watch as their child explores their world in a safe, loving atmosphere. 

The program is open to all mothers, and babies ages 3 months-3 years. For more information, or to join our group, please call: 0905-964-155.